Monday, September 8, 2008

olympic regulations

this is a bit outdated now, but still interesting. I was reading about the olympics and came upon a list of regulations for behavior while attending events. Most of it was pretty straight forward like no bombs, knives, other weapons, poisonous gases, etc. Some was a little more amusing. Drunken belligerence is banned. as is streaking, disturbing events and breaking laws.

I was also reading and talking to people about behavior suggestions/ codes beijing residents may have or may not have received or been able to watch on tv/ listen to on the radio. Included in this list were going shirtless for men (pretty common especially in the summer, although not as common as the roll-the-shirt-up-over-belly move), spitting, and wearing your pajamas outside.

1 comment:

changjazz said...

what no PJ's? Is there something about Chinese pajamas we shouldn't see??????