Thursday, October 16, 2008


First of all lamb feast pictures.

So there is a practice here of buying up loads of cabbage and leeks in the fall, air drying them for a week, and then storing them inside for the remainder of the winter. That way come winter you dont have to buy veggies. Or back in the day, you could eat veggies because there werent any to buy in the winter. Things are bit different today. There are plenty of veggies available in the winter either grown in hothouses or shipped up from the south. Nevertheless the older generation still goes out and buys massive quantities of cabbage and leeks. This last week all the sidewalks and smaller streets were covered with their bounty laid out to dry before being squirreled away in corners of their houses.

PS there are lots of new photos scattered through out different albums. Just check the album date to see the most recent ones.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

My host parents did that. I walked in one day and the whole of the kitchen, dining room and living room was covered with heads of cabbage. I think there might have even been some in my room. Needless to say, we had plenty of cabbage for the winter.