Saturday, April 25, 2009

Steak House

So I went to a steak house tonight. Knife Fork and Season. It wasnt quite a steak house, but a place that served thin pan fried beef and strange lookalike western food. It was quite good, but not like the steak I know. I tried to explain was an inch thick pan sized montana grass fed steak was like, but i dont know if it got across. As i was explaining how big a real steak was, i got the impression that I was telling a fish story...I dont know if the chinese i was with believed me. Either that or a big steak is just a bit too excessive to accept. Nonetheless still delicious.
wine cooler

The building the steakhouse was located in was quite impressive. Despite being a half hour from our apt on the way out of town. The area was still colonized by enormous shopping centers and apartment complex. Sprawl at its best. The only difference is this peripheral suburb has no public transit, no bikes, and few peds. just private cars. american style.

The shopping center itself was six stories, but the space was not entirely filled. At least two football fields worth of space was just an enclosed space with 6 stories of empty space. only along the back wall were there actual stories and shops. I asked why there was so much empty space and the reply was..."for flying remote control helicopters" (you can imagine how frustrating responses like this are...) Either way it was a monstrosity.

Also interesting were the enormous apartment buildings near this enormous shopping building. They were said to house 20,000 families. about 60k. This is just one such development here. The scale and shear number of people is stifling. Also interesting is the number of apts that were sold but unoccupied. Real estate investment is huge here. The apts there a year ago when they were completed sold for 250US/m2 and they all sold immediately. Now, one year later, they sell for $725. Tidy profit in one year.

1 comment:

DEJ! said...

guess what?! i got up the clocktower!! where are you?