Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Things I dont yet understand

Plastic bottle collecting.

There are numerous people scouring the campus daily in search of plastic bottles. They collect them and sell them. Reports of how much they are worth vary between $0.01 and $0.07 per bottle. I have no idea how many bottles one might collect in a day, but it is apparently worth it and the competition with other collectors is fierce. It is not uncommon if you are carrying a half full bottle to be approached or chased by a bottle collector requesting you finish it and give them the empty bottle.

High heels everywhere.

I know most of the chinese women are short, and apparently taller is better. I still dont understand walking around this campus in high heels daily. I have heard it is hard to walk in high heels. The natural difficulty combined with the array of uneven awkward surfaces around campus seems to make the daily life for the high heeled precarious if not dangerous. I have yet to see anyone fall, but have seen some impressive blisters.


changjazz said...

Pictures of various styles of heels being worn please :)

janelle said...

I see similar things going on regarding plastic bottles here in LA, except it's for recycling collection for cash. I see a lot of homeless people digging through the trash for them and once at a free music street festival, someone waited til I finished my water bottle to take it from me. I don't know if this is more of a good thing (for the environment) or a bad thing (for human dignity).

The Function of Neo-Function said...

walking in high heels is easy